Actions: December 7, 2016
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Non-delegable board reports that require member action
Reports from the General Counsel
16-1207-AR5 |
Authorize Retention of The Law Firm The Del Galdo Law Group, LLC |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR6 |
Authorize Retention of The Law Firm Foley & Lardner LLP |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR7 |
Authorize Continued Retention of The Law Firm Nielsen, Zehe & Antas, P.C. |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR8 |
Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Steven Dzialowy – Case No. 08 WC 38419 |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR9 |
Workers’ Compensation – Approve Partial 5(b) Lien Recovery for Patricia Habtemichael – Case No. 05 WC 43158 |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR10 |
Approve Settlement Recommendation in Tully v. Board of Education of the City of Chicago, Case No. 14-CV-4434 |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR11 |
Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Laura L. Smith) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR12 |
Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Susan J. Best) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-AR13 |
Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Shirley Z. Blazejczyk) |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-1207-EX16 |
Ratify Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and the Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1 American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX17 |
Ratify Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 143 (Engineers Bargaining Unit) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX18 |
Ratify Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 143B (Financial Services Bargaining Unit) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX19 |
Transfer and Appoint Chief Operating Officer Effective October 31, 2016 and Ratify all Lawful Actions Taken as Chief Operating Officers Since October 31, 2016 (Denise Little) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX20 |
Transfer and Appoint Chief Officer Strategic Planning & Communications Effective November 1, 2016 and Ratify all Lawful Actions Taken as Chief Officer Strategic Planning & Communications Since November 1, 2016 (Emily Bittner) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX21 |
Approve Appointment of Chief Health Officer Effective November 17, 2016 and Ratify all Lawful Actions Taken as Chief Health Officer Since November 17, 2016 (Kenneth Fox) |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX22 |
Warning Resolution – Kevin Lee, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Neal F. Simeon Career Academy High School |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX23 |
Warning Resolution – Beverly Tatum, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Ludwig Van Beethoven Elementary School |
*Adopted |
16-1207-EX24 |
Remove and Replace the Principal of Stephen F. Gale Elementary Community Academy and Terminate the Principal's Contract |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Board of Education
16-1207-RS6 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel |
*Adopted |
16-1207-RS7 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers |
*Adopted |
16-1207-RS8 |
Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teacher |
*Adopted |
16-1207-MO2 |
Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from October 26, 2016 |
*Adopted |
16-1207-MO3 |
Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public October 26, 2016 |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer
16-1207-OP12 |
Authorize the Condemnation Settlement and Acquisition of the Property at 19th West 16th Street for the Construction of a New Elementary School to Relieve Overcrowding |
*Adopted |
16-1207-OP13 |
Disposition of Bids Received for the Sale of Land Located at 13425 S. Baltimore |
*Adopted |
16-1207-RS1 |
Resolution Adopting the Amended Annual School Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 |
Adopted |
16-1207-RS2 |
Resolution Affirming the Adoption of, and Restating and Supplementing Resolution 16-1026-RS1, Resolution Providing for the Issue of One or More Series of Capital Improvement Bonds of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $840,000,000 |
Adopted |
16-1207-RS3 |
Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies |
Adopted |
16-1207-RS4 |
Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to DeVry University Advantage Academy and Barbara Vick E.C.C. Appointed Local School Councils for New Terms of Office |
Adopted |
16-1207-RS5 |
Resolution to Affirm Chicago Public Schools’ Status as a Welcoming District for All Students |
Adopted |
16-1207-PO1 |
Extend the Remedial Program for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation in Construction Projects |
Adopted |
16-1207-PO2 |
Extend the Remedial Program for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation in Goods and Services Contracts |
Adopted |
16-1207-RU1 |
Amend Board Rule 4-4 Employment Requirements |
Adopted |
16-1207-CO1 |
Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of January 25, 2017 – CPS Loop Office, 42 W. Madison, Garden Level, Board Room, Chicago, IL 60602* |
*No action |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-1207-EX1 |
Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete documents for October and November 2016 will be on File in the Office of the Board] |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX2 |
Establish Robert J. Richardson Middle School and its Attendance Boundary and Adjust the Attendance Boundaries of Louis Pasteur Elementary School and Ferdinand Peck Elementary School |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX3 |
Amend Board Report 15-0527-EX6 Authorize Renewal of the Galapagos Charter School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX4 |
Authorize Renewal of the Catalyst Maria Charter School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX5 |
Authorize Renewal of the Chicago Excel Academy Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX6 |
Authorize Renewal of the Chicago International Charter School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX7 |
Authorize Renewal of the Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy Charter High School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX8 |
Authorize Renewal of the KIPP Chicago Charter Schools Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX9 |
Authorize Renewal of the Legal Prep Charter Academy Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX10 |
Authorize Renewal of the Montessori School of Englewood Charter Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX11 |
Authorize Renewal of the Perspectives Charter School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX12 |
Authorize Renewal of the Polaris Charter Academy Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
16-1207-EX13 |
Authorize Renewal of the Providence Englewood Charter School Agreement with Conditions |
Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer
16-1207-OP1 |
Amend Board Report 16-0525-OP1 Renew Lease Agreement with Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Church and School for Space at 6200 W Patterson Ave for Smyser Elementary |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP2 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Chicago Charter School Foundation (Chicago International Charter School) for a Portion of the Truth School Building, 1443 N. Ogden, and Annex, 1409 N. Ogden |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP3 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with KIPP Chicago Schools for a Portion of Hope College Preparatory High School, 5515 S. Lowe Avenue |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP4 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with KIPP Chicago Schools for a Portion of Nash Elementary School, 4818 W. Ohio |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP5 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with KIPP Chicago Schools for a Portion of the Orr School Building, 730 N. Pulaski Road |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP6 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with KIPP Chicago Schools for a Portion of Penn School, 1616 S. Avers |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP7 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Montessori Network, Inc. for Johns, 6936 S. Hermitage Avenue |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP8 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Perspectives Charter School for Former Raymond School, 3663 S. Wabash |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP9 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Perspectives Charter School for Former Calumet School, 8131 S. May |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP10 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Polaris Charter Academy for Former Morse School, 620 N. Sawyer Avenue |
Adopted |
16-1207-OP11 |
Approve Renewal Lease Agreement with Providence Englewood School Corporation for Former Bunche School, 6515 S. Ashland Ave |
Adopted |
Reports from the General Counsel
16-1207-AR1 |
Debarment of Charles Meadows |
Adopted |
16-1207-AR2 |
Debarment of Nothin' But U and Kevin Snider |
Adopted |
16-1207-AR3 |
Debarment of Outfitters Custom Printed Apparel |
Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer
16-1207-PR1 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Advanced Strategies for Professional Development Services for ESL/Bilingual Online Coursework |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR2 |
Authorize a New Agreement with ECRA Group, Inc. for Student Growth Measure Services |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR3 |
Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR4 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Herff Jones, LLC for the Purchase of Caps and Gowns |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR5 |
Amend Board Report 16-0427-PR14 Authorize the Pre-Qualification Status of and Entering Into Agreements with Oracle Consultants |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR6 |
Authorize a New Agreement with CDW Government, LLC for the Purchase of End User Computing Devices |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR7 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Coghlan Law LLC for Subrogation Services |
Adopted |
16-1207-PR8 |
Amend Board Report 16-0928-PR9 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Eyemed Vision Care for Vision Insurance |
Adopted |
Delegable Reports
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
Report from the General Counsel
16-1207-AR4 |
Report on Board Report Rescissions |
Accepted |
*Presented at the meeting
I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.
Susan J. Narrajos