To locate your student's neighborhood school using your home address, use the CPS School Locator tool listed on the Chicago Public Schools website.
To search for schools by name or zip code, please visit the Find A School page on the Chicago Public Schools website.
For an overview on the school enrollment process, including a list of necessary documents for registration, read the enrollment process overview.
If you are interested in enrolling your student in a school outside of your attendance area, contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at (773) 553-2060 or by visiting their website.
If you would like to enroll your student in a charter school, contact the Office of Innovation and Incubation at (773) 553-1530 for application instructions.
Network offices provide CPS schools with administrative support, strategic direction, and leadership development while also driving critical supports that help boost student learning. These include professional development plans that support teacher growth, collecting and assessing data that helps drive interventions for students in need, collaborating with other networks on best practices, and enhancing community and parental involvement.
For a listing of all CPS schools organized by network, please visit CPS' network office page.
If your child attends a charter school, please call (773) 553-1530.
Please note that the Office of Former Student Records does not have copies of student diplomas on file to print and/or send out. Diplomas are issued directly by the school the former student graduated from.
To obtain student transcripts or medical records, submit a request to the Office of Former Student Records. The Office of Former Student Records cannot provide walk-in service and student records can only be delivered through the U.S. Postal Service. Medical records are unavailable to individuals over the age of 27.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides the tools and resources to ensure that all diverse learners receive a high quality public education that prepares students for success.
OSD is responsible for student evaluations, creating and monitoring Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and working with schools, staff, and families to fulfill these plans towards greater student development and achievement. OSD uses a data-driven approach to best support the needs of each individual student, and does so in compliance with federal and state regulations regarding special education, including the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
For more information, please visit the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) website or call (773) 553-1800.